Wednesday, 27 April 2011

UME connection in Add-In and R3 connected systems

APPLICABLE ONLY TO NW04s(700) and lower releases

1. To find out if the system is r/3 connected or j2ee addin
Scenario A :
J2EE Addin : File structure will be
Scenario  B :
R/3 Connected : File Structure will be

Scenario  A :

1. Create users(ADMIN,GUEST) on the new R/3 Client on the same system.
ADMIN : Dialog User, Role : SAP_J2EE_ADMIN, Passwd : ******

GUEST : Dialog User, Role : SAP_J2EE_GUEST, Passwd : **********
SAPJSF : Communication User, Role : SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION, SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION_RO, Passwd : ************

2. Open the offline config tool (D:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS<nr>\j2ee\configtool)
run the offlinecfgeditor.bat, navigate Configurations -> cluster_data -> server -> cfg -> services -> Propertysheet
   ume.login.guest_user.uniqueids : GUEST
   ume.persistence.data_source_configuration : dataSourceConfiguration_r3_rw.xml
   ume.r3.connection.master.client : < Backend client to which the j2ee has to be connected >
   ume.r3.connection.master.msghost : < R/3 host, since this will be j2ee addin hence not necessary to change>
   ume.r3.connection.master.r3name : < R/3 name, since this will be j2ee addin hence not necessary to change>
   ume.r3.connection.master.user :  SAPJSF (Default)
   ume.r3.connection.master.passwd : <passwd of the sapjsf user>

NOTE : R/3 msghost and r3name remains same as it is a j2ee addin.
For the dialog users, make sure to assign an arbitrary password and login to the system, change the password to the standard passwords.

3. In the configtool secure store, go to secure store, modify is necessary /admin/user/<SID>/ : < give the right administrator user> ,  /admin/password/<SID>/ : <give the password the administrator user>
this user should be admin in this case.

3. Restart the j2ee from the SAP System (TCODE : SMICM).

Scenario  B :

Before you connect the j2ee systems to r/3, on the j2ee end

1. J2EE has Administrators(Administrator, ADMIN) on the j2ee standalone.
2. J2EE has Guest(Guest User) as well on the j2ee standalone.
3. On the R/3 end, make sure that none of these users(Administrator, ADMIN and Guest) exist. This is to avoid the duplication of users.
If it is already available then delete it on the j2ee side.

NOTE : If there are duplicate users on the j2ee and the r/3 client under consideration the j2ee will not come up.

4. Open the offline config tool (D:\usr\sap\<SID>\JC<nr>\j2ee\configtool),run the offlinecfgeditor.bat, navigate Configurations -> cluster_data -> server -> cfg -> services -> Propertysheet
   ume.login.guest_user.uniqueids : Guest
   ume.persistence.data_source_configuration : dataSourceConfiguration_r3_rw.xml
   ume.r3.connection.master.client : <client of the r/3 system>
   ume.r3.connection.master.msghost : <msg server host of the r/3 system>
   ume.r3.connection.master.r3name : <r/3 name>
   ume.r3.connection.master.user :  SAPJSF (Default)
   ume.r3.connection.master.passwd : <passwd of the sapjsf      user>

ume.r3.connection.master.sysnr : System number of the R/3 instance

5. In the configtool, go to secure store, modify is necessary /admin/user/<SID>/ : < give the right administrator user> ,  /admin/password/<SID>/ : give the password the administrator user.
This user should be admin in this case.

6. Restart the J2EE instance.


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